What is it?
An upbeat pop/rock musical-comedy performed by 9-15 adults with optional children. (PG)
Typical cast breakdown?
With doubling, eg. 5F, 2M, 2MF/NB (+optional children)
What’s it about?
A college drop-out, troubled by bad dreams, seeks answers at his aunt’s space-rock store in the Mojave desert. Maybe the universe is trying to tell us something? An entertaining and inspiring story about finding hope for the future.
What stage of development is the show at, and what does it need to move forward?
We’ve recorded a full-length concept album and podcast audiodrama, and workshopped selected scenes and songs in cabaret.
Next, we want to mount a live concert/reading presentation, with sound design, lighting and projections … to gain feedback, and develop further?
Short synopsis? (200 words)
Here … short synopsis pdf.
One-page synopsis of plot + musical numbers?
Here … 1-page plot synopsis pdf.
Two-page plot synopsis + musical numbers?
Here … 2-page plot synopsis pdf.
Can I read the full script?
Yes please do! Here … script pdf.
Where can I hear the musical numbers?
On streaming platforms, concept cast album.
The script pdf has clickable links to online audios.
Or you can scroll down on this page to see tracks with synchronized lyrics, and scene summaries with concept art!
Can I download the cast album as mp3 files?
Yes!… cast album (mp3).
Instrumental backing tracks?
Stream on Bandcamp.
Can I hear the audiodrama?
Sure! It’s available in 7 episodes here as a podcast. (slow link, be patient)
Or download the audiodrama_podcast_mp3.zip
There is currently no narrator or lyric display, so we suggest you read along in the script pdf. while you listen.
Character list with vocal pitch ranges?
Here … character ranges.
Character list with archetype and fantasy-casting references??
Here … casting_references.
Which characters have lead singing parts in which musical numbers?
singer grid.
What’s the plan for actor/singers doubling characters?
Can I see the piano-vocal score?
A: … pv_score pdf.
Can I hear piano-vocal demos?
A: … stream on soundcloud or download mp3 zip.
Can I see the full score?
We’re so glad you asked! Here … full_score pdf.
Can I hear full score midi demos?
Of course! … anyt_full_score_demo_mp3.
What would be an ideal orchestra line-up?
Conductor/Piano/Keys1, Keys2, Guitar, Bass, Drums/Perc/Sample-pad, Trumpet (preferably 2), Saxophone (Tenor, Bari), Trombone.
What is the show about again?
Finding hope for the future, taking responsibility and growing up – as individuals and humanity.
Space-rocks, time-travel, one-night-stands, life on earth, wonder, gratitude, and love.
What’s the tone?
Traditional meets future, banjo meets synthesizer. Fun, comic, and exciting. A small book musical, with mystical and sci-fi flavours. Upbeat, escapist, imaginative.
Does it have spoken scenes between the musical numbers?
Yes. About 30mins is spoken and 60mins is music.
Is it funny?
Sure. Lots of big laughs.
What other musicals is it like?
Think Little Shop of Horrors meets Hair, via Cabaret.
How so?
Little Shop for comic sci-fi plot. Hair for grooves and ensemble vocals. Cabaret for introspection, concept songs and staging.
Any other reference points?
Peter Pan, The Wizard of Oz, Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon.
It has supernatural and spaceships. Is that a genre clash?
No. it’s a specific genre: Space Fantasy. Like Dune and Star Wars.
What’s the location setting?
A geologist’s cabin and space-rock store in the Mojave desert, a spaceship, outer space, and an interrogation room.
What’s the time setting?
What was the original inspiration?
Passport to the Cosmos by John E Mack, Harvard Professor of Psychiatry, who put aside questions of “real or not real?” and studied common elements in the classic alien-abduction experience: specifically a message to humanity to grow up and live in harmony with our environment.
Yes please.
Lighting and projection?
Not essential but nice to have. The earth and sky are characters: sunrise, sunset, stars.. The climax is a dream-sequence / vision / space-flight.
Stage flying?
A young couple levitates into a night sky. A young man floats, suspended in space and time, in an asteroid field. Could be achieved through lighting or wire work.
The Little Helpers are children of the future, wearing masks. Could be played by children or not.
A horn section?
Yes. This is a brass feature. They play on nearly every number. Check out the concept album.
Could the music be performed by high-schoolers?
Can you supply backing tracks?
Yes. But a live band would be better.
Can you supply audio files for samples and sound effects?
Can you supply video files for projections eg. space-ship screens, Gaia’s vision, and lighting effects?
They’re in development.
What’s the content rating?
PG. The themes are intended to be edgy enough to engage kids and teens, and stimulate educational conversation, without crossing any lines. There’s mention of angels and demons, divorce, visions, a one-night-stand where we don’t know exactly what happened, an unspecified but threatening Probe, some double-entendres, species extinction, a non-binary character, a goddess, time-travel, fantasy peril, mind-altering tea, and a magical pregnancy. So appropriateness depends on your specific audience. We’d love to see a faith-based school tackle it.
What do you want the show to leave people with?
An uplifting, entertaining good time. The idea that our lives, and the future of life on earth will be great, if we make it so. Wonder, gratitude, and love, for each other, nature, and the universe.
How does this story touch you personally?
Overcoming depression through finding new family, wonder at nature and the universe, common humanity, and collective joy through drama and music. This happened to us and people we know. It’s what the world needs more of right now and maybe what all musical theatre is about?
What was your writing process?
The songs Midnight Lake and Come Back in Time came first. They seemed to be about the choice between death and life. Mystery Box and the first half of Wow! are interpolations of existing music by Julian Jahanpour. Blessed is a non-denominational song for the holidays. Why Did You? is inspired by Sade and Debussy. The creative team are experienced theatre, band, and cabaret performers so the whole project is grounded in live group performance with audiences.
Did you get any dramaturg help?
Yes. An early draft was lovingly torn apart by The Academy for New Musical Theatre dramaturg as part of its Search for a New Musical program.
What do you see as road blocks to getting it produced?
Marketing an original.
But how many times are producers going to revive Little Shop and Rocky Horror instead of developing the next one?
Which is your favourite song and why?
Blessed, because of its sentiment. Hope returning after the longest night.
What song do you think the audience will leave humming?
Maybe the singalong finale, Hunkafunk?
How would a reading or concert version help you?
By getting feedback from performers and audiences, seeing how it plays in different contexts, identifying strengths and weaknesses, being fun for everyone involved, and establishing a network of friends for the project.
What’s the run-time?
90mins (comprising 30mins of dialogue and 60mins of musical numbers.)
How many theatrical acts?
Two, with an intermission.
How many structural acts/sequences?
1) Troubled – Adam has bad dreams. Maybe the universe is trying to tell him something?
2) Seduced and Abandoned – A windy night brings a visitor.
3) Investigation – The team tries some inexact science.
4) Probers – Everything is connected.
5) Storm and Vision – Life on earth requires some action.
6) Second Chances – A bunch of stuff needs to unhappen.
7) Hope – The big wheel keeps on turning.
Artistic statement?
From our personal backgrounds, we’re driven to tell an inspirational story about growth and unity; for individuals, communities, and all living things. About overcoming depression and finding hope. We believe the future can be great, if we make it so. Musical theatre is a symbol and catalyst of the open-mindedness, positivity, and energy required on this quest. Also, space-rocks and fun!
What’s your email address to get more info or give feedback?
info@newyoumusical.com. All questions and comments are very welcome. 🙂