01 – Night Fall
Beneath a starry sky in the Mojave desert, with dawn at the horizon, a herbalist opens her stall on a dusty roadside. She shakes a tamburello and sings. Two spirits appear. In a geologist’s cabin, a rock at the foot of a bed pulses with an inner light. Adam sits up in terror, then throws himself to the floor.
02 – Dry Land
AUNT THERESA hangs overalls on a drying line then brings a tea tray to Adam in bed. She sympathises about his recurring bad dreams. Maybe the universe is trying to tell us something? She tries to move the rock but it is heavy, smelly, and interferes with the radio. After a struggle, they leave it.
Geologist Uncle Ernest and intern Georgie sort meteorites into buckets. Space-rock business is not good. Perhaps Adam has some online marketing ideas?
Geologist Uncle Ernest and intern Georgie sort meteorites into buckets. Space-rock business is not good. Perhaps Adam has some online marketing ideas?
04 – Spice It Up!
Their landlord MAJOR DON visits. A military intelligence officer with export permits and bad news. He’s been skimming a budget for secret research on their behalf, now being audited by the Mexican Pentagon. They need to produce a scientific breakthrough by the end of the week or they will be shut down. Don suggests they fake DNA on a meteorite.
08 – Clear Sky
“Acceptance?” projects the figure telepathically and tries to sedate ADAM with a high-tech spear, the fazer. But interference from the rock causes malfunction. Adam turns the light on and accidentally zaps the figure with their own fazer – twice! “Acceptance!” says the figure, removing their helmet to reveal AURIGA, a human with blonde hair (whatever ethnicity, the hair is genetically-engineered blonde). Under the influence of the fazer, she’s enchanted with Adam. They hold hands and fly into a romantic out-of-body space experience.
14 – Wow!
THERESA, ADAM, ERNEST, GEORGIE, MAJOR DON, and DOCTOR RUCOLA find a blonde hair with a date in its DNA: 2099. Auriga is from the future! Major Don sends the DNA data to the lab. They approve new funding. Hicksville Rocks is saved! Adam has proof that Auriga is real, and is determined to be ready for future visits.
16 – The Man
On a spaceship, PROFESSOR LOVELOCK teaches children how genetically-engineered people in 2099 are sterile, with babies only possible by cloning. They are on a time-travel mission to scan unmodified human DNA without changing history. Auriga enters, late for work. They are joined by mid-life male, REX, and glamorous non-binary assistant, GLEN. Rex dominates the meeting. Lovelock criticizes Rex’s irresponsible methods which risk history collapse. Auriga reluctantly reports the close encounter with Adam. Rex tells Glen to prepare an extraction team. This time we do it “my way”.
19 – Get on The One
REX enters wearing a lizard head-dress and ceremonial robes, wielding a fazer staff, to zap Adam, himself, and the little helpers. Aunt Theresa enters and turns the lights on. Rex zaps her too. Auriga enters to prevent the impending abduction of Adam and Theresa. Rex suggests they move the party to his spaceship “The One” and performs incantations over a keytar solo.
20 – Storm in a Spaceship
Suddenly the power goes out. They’re busted by mexican agents led by Major Don. Rex’s spaceship has been seen. History is collapsing. Auriga uses the fazer to subdue everyone. Adam protests the lab has the DNA evidence and he loves Auriga. Auriga says they need to talk. But first they must time-travel to last week, to retrieve the hair. They exit through the wardrobe. Rex is left behind, captured.
Astronauts Nina and Gina struggle to control the Mothership, rocked by time-travel turbulence. Adam’s presence onboard is causing a dangerous double paradox. ADAM attempts to be a hero, by ejecting through an airlock.
Astronauts Nina and Gina struggle to control the Mothership, rocked by time-travel turbulence. Adam’s presence onboard is causing a dangerous double paradox. ADAM attempts to be a hero, by ejecting through an airlock.
23 – Mothership
Left alone, Adam apologises to his lucky star, realising that, however small we feel, everyone must make a difference. He notices the space-rocks he’s grasping are similar to the one in his bedroom … and banging them together emits energy. The MOTHERSHIP CREW passing through the wormhole detects the energy signal and navigates an asteroid field to rescue Adam.
24 – Old Enough
Now we have some stops to make, says Auriga.
In an interrogation room, REX, bearded and sorry for himself, is chained to a table and wired to a lie-detector. Major Don recounts Rex’s substantial intervening time and bad behaviour in various prisons. Enter Rex’s lawyer – Glen – with a parole application. The lie detector confirms Rex has learned the error of his ways.
In an interrogation room, REX, bearded and sorry for himself, is chained to a table and wired to a lie-detector. Major Don recounts Rex’s substantial intervening time and bad behaviour in various prisons. Enter Rex’s lawyer – Glen – with a parole application. The lie detector confirms Rex has learned the error of his ways.
Major Don agrees to release Rex. Glen gives Don a wrapped space-rock sample from Adam.
28 – Later
Disguised as Swedish hippies, the carol singers are LOVELOCK, REX, GLEN, and the SPIRITS (NINA & GINA). AURIGA enters, visibly pregnant. “Did I do that?” asks Adam. “You did everything you needed to” she explains. The mothership’s mission is complete. Everyone assures Adam they’ll all feel fine about this eventually. Auriga says goodbye and all exit except Lovelock. Georgie tells to Adam to look for romance nearer home. They dance. Enter Major Don, carrying the special space-rock sample. and tells them to turn on the TV.
29 – Hunkafunk
The President of the United Nations announces a major prize for Adam and the team, for discovering a bacteria from space on the glowing rocks that is a new clean energy source and inspiration for international collaboration and innovation. It’s world peace in a chunk! EVERYONE parties.